Why Family Time Is So Important

“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.”
–Michael J. Fox

“Your children won’t be young forever, but the memories you make together as a family can certainly last that long.”

–Christine Martin

Positive family memories are powerful enough to last throughout life, they’re also essential in helping children develop essential social, emotional, and academic skills. When families spend quality time together, they form strong bonds that foster trust.

Although it’s hard to deny that spending quality time together as a family is important, it’s not always easy to do in today’s world. Many parents are working more, some parents have situations where they do not live with their children 100% of the time, and schedules are becoming more crammed and time-sensitive. All of these circumstances, plus many others, can make quality time hard to come by. But there are simple ways to inject some memory-making fun into the moments you can dedicate to your children:

The drive in the car can have lasting memories on a long road trip or on the way to school. Singing songs, knock, knock jokes , finding letters on signs on the road , I spy colors or license plates from different states , conversation or problem solve issues or feelings your child might have .

Simply gathering around the dinner table and asking questions can create laughter and special moments that your children won’t forget.

Also, don’t forget to use the activities you already have on hand like board games or the basketball hoop in your backyard. Gather around the table or go outside and get active. These activities will not only provide opportunities to bond, but will also give your children opportunities to listen,follow directions, take turns, and cooperate.

What cherished family memories do you have ?